What Happened to My Hair!?: 5 Possible Causes of Female Hair Loss

  Female hair loss is rarely talked about, but is rapidly gaining more awareness. Many assume that significant hair loss and thinning is exclusive to men. However, medical professionals will tell you otherwise. In fact, “by age 50, nearly fifty percent of women experience Female Pattern Hair Loss, according to the North American Hair Research Society”.

Unlike male pattern hair loss, the cause of female pattern hair loss is far from obvious. There could be several reasons––even combinations of reasons––as to why a woman may start losing her hair. That is why it is important for medical professionals––like the ones at Regeneris Medical––to find the root cause of the hair loss in order to maximize the effectiveness of treatment.


Get to the Root of the Hair Problem


1. Androgenetic Alopecia

Androgenetic alopecia is the number one cause of hair loss in both women and men. “In women, androgenetic alopecia begins with gradual thinning at the part line, followed by increasing diffuse hair loss radiating from the top of the head,” according to Harvard Health. “A woman's hairline rarely recedes, and women rarely become bald.” Although it’s unlikely that a woman will completely lose all of her hair due to androgenetic alopecia, it is still a devastating experience.


2. Aging and Hormones

As women age, hormone levels drastically rise and fall. Research suggests that hair loss during menopause is due to a hormonal imbalance. According to Healthline, “when the levels of estrogen and progesterone drop, hair grows more slowly and becomes much thinner.” Simultaneously, when those two hormones’ levels go down, androgen levels rise. The androgen hormone causes hair follicles to shrink, thus “resulting in hair loss on the head”.


3. Pregnancy

Telogen effluvium is the excessive shedding of hair that occurs one to five months following pregnancy,” according to the American Pregnancy Association. Following pregnancy, this condition is actually fairly common as it affects between 40 and 50% of women. Luckily, this type of hair loss is only temporary. However, this occurrence can be incredibly emotional for women, especially if postpartum depression is present. Though hair will grow back, it is still a good idea to speak with a medical professional to discuss hair-growth-enhancement options.


4. Thyroid Disorders

Telogen effluvium isn’t only connected to pregnancy, but is also apparent in people who are diagnosed with thyroid disorders such as hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. The difference is that after pregnancy, the hormone levels usually begin to go back to their normal state, thus going back to the body’s normal hair growth cycle. Until the thyroid disorder is diagnosed and treated, hair loss will persist. Even upon taking medications for any thyroid conditions, hair loss/thinning can still occur, since thyroid disorders are generally incurable. However, this type of hair loss can be treated.


5. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

PCOS is a hormonal disorder that enlarges the ovaries and causes cysts to grow on them. Because of these hormonal imbalances, excessive testosterone and its chemical derivative, DHT, can cause scalp hair to fall out. In combination with treating PCOS, regenerative hair enhancement therapies can be very beneficial to those who are suffering from the disorder.


Grow Your Hair Back- Naturally


A fairly recent breakthrough in hair loss treatment is currently making headlines everywhere: Regenerative Medicine Hair Loss Therapy, specifically PRP Therapy.

“Because hair follicles naturally go through a period where they shut down to rejuvenate, it is thought that the PRP process helps to stimulate inactive follicles to open up shop again,” according to Laser Clinique and P. Alexander Ataii, MD in San Diego, CA. “Because of the relationship between women, aging, and changes in hormonal levels PRP may help to overcome Female Pattern Hair Loss by reactivating hair follicles.

Regeneris Medical offers PRP Therapy in combination with Stromal Vascular Fraction (SVF) to treat hair loss. SVF is a method used to extract adult adipose (fat) stem cells from your own body. Mesenchymal stem cells are extracted from the tissue, which are then incubated. The result is injected directly into areas of concern. Once these stem cells are administered, they have the ability to repair and re-activate dormant follicles, forming new cells of mesenchymal origin.

Take a look at these beautiful results:




[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1aTqc--E0A?ecver=2]




Schedule an Appointment Today

Hair loss can be a traumatic experience for a woman. Don’t suffer any longer- if you are––or someone you know is––losing hair, call Regeneris Medical today at 1-855-734-3678 or e-mail us at info@regenerismedical.com.


For more information about Laser Clinique and P. Alexander Ataii, MD, visit their website at http://www.laser-clinique.com/ or call them at (858) 481-7701.



Regeneris Medical® and affiliates do not claim that stem cell treatments or cellular therapies are a cure for any condition or disease. Adipose-derived stem cell therapies are investigational and are not a part of  FDA-approved stem cell therapies. The information and opinions on this website are for educational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for advice from a medical professional. If you think you could benefit from stem cell therapies, we suggest patients research relevant information in addition to the information on our site. Be sure to consult a physician before deciding to participate in any investigational therapies.