Aesthetic Anti-Aging

Featured Physician: Dr. Ryan Welter, M.D


Welcome back to our Featured Physician series! We're excited to showcase our Regeneris Physician Affiliates and tell you about their practices, why they became interested in regenerative medicine, and technologies they're excited about.

Today we'd like to introduce you to Dr. Ryan Welter, M.D. Founder and CEO of Regeneris Medical in Boston, MA.

1. Can you tell us details about you/your practice?

Regeneris Medical began with the simple idea that the human body contains most of what it needs to heal itself within its own stem cells and biologic mediators. We have embraced a focused commitment to providing research level therapies to patients today, allowing patients access to the most advanced regenerative therapies available.

2. Why did you get involved in regenerative medicine?

Through regenerative medicine and outstanding patient-centric service, I see an opportunity to change the face of modern medicine. It is my goal to be recognized as an innovative and respected leader in the field of regenerative medicine in practice, research, and education.

3. What are some of the most exciting technologies within this field?

I believe that in the near future, almost every medical treatment will include at least some component of this emerging technology. I foresee a day when Doctors are much less dependent on pharmaceuticals and have harnessed the natural healing and regenerative properties of the human body to the fullest extent.

4. What is a fun fact you'd like to share?

I have my own YouTube channel ( where I share skincare treatments, exciting new announcements, and an inside look of a cosmetic surgeon's life. Check it out if this interests you!


Learn more and schedule an appointment with Dr. Welter by visiting


Featured Physician: Dr. Jake Wardwell, D.O.


Welcome back to our Featured Physician series! We’re excited to showcase our newest Regeneris Physician Affiliates and tell you about their practices, why they became interested in regenerative medicine, and technologies they’re excited about.

Today we’d like to introduce you to Dr. Jake Wardwell, D.O., an Integrative Medicine Specialist from San Francisco, California.


1. Can you tell us details about you/your practice?

I'm an osteopath board certified in Integrative Family Medicine and Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine and Certified in Musculoskeletal Ultrasound ( ARDMS RMSK) and Interventional Regenerative Orthopedic Medicine (IROM-C). I combine the best of conventional medicine with functional medicine to optimize health and wellness by looking deeper at hormone, nutritional and digestive health. As an Osteopath trained in musculoskeletal ultrasound, I am able to palpate and visulalize soft tissue strain patterns in the body to pick up on the underlying causes of musculoskeletal disorders. Lastly, Interventional Regenerative Orthopedic Medicine is about using regenerative agents such as Platelet Rich Plasma, Amniotic Membrane and Adipose derived Stromal Vascular Fraction to regenerate injured areas in the body. I combine these different aspects of medicine to both address the system in which illness and injury happens as well as the symptoms that manifest from this system.


2. Why did you get involved in regenerative medicine?

My path evovled from studying Yoga Therapy and Eastern Philosophy as a premed to studying Acupuncture and Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine in Medical school. Concurrently in medical school, I trained with Integrative Medicine phsyicians and took extra courses and continuing medical education conferences throughout residency to learn more about functional medicine. During residency, I started working with doctors who were doing prolotherapy based on palpation, which helped me to learn all of the areas to treat and look at once I finally picked up ultrasound. Since finishing residency, I’ve been using ultrasound to diagnose and guide regenerative injections and have developed my own protocols for injecting and rehabilitating areas based on principles from Osteopathic Medicine, Acupuncture and Yoga Therapy.


3. What are some of the most exciting technologies within this field?

Stromal Vascular Fraction is the most exciting new technology in the field of regenerative medicine. I am seeing a more robust healing response in areas that I used to treat with Platelet Rich Plasma and am now able to treat certain injuries or illnesses that PRP was not effective enough to treat.


4. What is a fun fact you'd like to share?

I enjoy playing Jazz and Blues Piano nightly and I have an extensive Soul and Jazz Vinyl record collection that helps to inspire my own musical compositions. This creative outlet helps me to both process my days experience and inspire new creative ideas. A lot of what I do relies on intuition and feel and playing improvisational music helps to cultivate this skill set in a way that simply practicing medicine, maintaining healthy levels of physical activity and a healthy diet cannot.


Learn more and schedule an appointment with Dr. Wardwell by visiting

Featured Physician: Dr. Rosa Navarro


Welcome to our Featured Physician series! We’re excited to showcase our newest Regeneris Physician Affiliates and tell you about their practices, why they became interested in regenerative medicine, and technologies they’re excited about.

Today we’d like to introduce you to Dr. Rosa Navarro, a Pain Management Specialist from California.


1. Can you tell us details about you/your practice?

Our practice is located in the southern part of San Diego in the city of Chula Vista. We proudly cater to the Hispanic community and all of our staff is bilingual English-Spanish which facilitates communication and or medical education to our patients.

Currently in our practice we offer a list of advanced minimally invasive interventional procedures such as, epidural steroid injections, joint injections with ultrasound, medial branch blocks, facet joint injections, sacroiliac joint injections, spinal cord stimulation, stellate ganglion blocks, ketamine infusions, nerve root injections, trigger point injections, lumbar sympathetic blocks, radiofrequency ablation, and our newest addition regenerative medicine.

2. Why did you get involved in regenerative medicine?

Regenerative medicine is a new treatment modality that we are excited to introduce to our patients as an alternative choice for Pain Management. Regenerative medicine’s promise is in its ability to work with the body’s reparative mechanisms, thus healing the local tissues and halting the propagation pain. It is effective and proven to demonstrate faster pain control and healing, making it a logical add-on therapy to our current list of services.

3. What are some of the most exciting technologies within this field?

The technologies that are exciting in this field are the usage of PRP (Protein Rich Plasma) from patients’ own body, combined with stem cells from fat and bone and incorporating them back into their body and seeing the effectiveness in the process of centrifuging and delivery methods.


Learn more and schedule an appointment with Dr. Navarro by visiting

How Regenerative Medicine is Improving Patients' Lives


Whether you’re a patient here at Regeneris Medical, just learning about our practice or simply interested in the newest game changer to the medical field, regenerative medicine can still be a hard term to grasp. An easy way to explain regenerative medicine, if your still unsure, think of a starfish. When a starfish loses an arm, a new arm grows back. Regenerative medicine ‘grows back’ damaged tissues or organs in our bodies. The promising field also gives scientists hope to grow tissues and organs in a lab to help patients seeking organ donation. According to the National Institute for Health, “as of August 2010, there were approximately 108,000 people on the waiting list for donor organs. Many of these individuals will die before a suitable organ can be found” as well as “approximately 500,000 Americans benefit from a transplant each year.” With these alarming statistics for just organ donation, regenerative medicine isn’t only a promising field for new life, it’s a necessary field to save lives.

Regenerative Medicine at Regeneris

The term ‘stem cells’ has been given a bad reputation ever since it came about. Most people associate stem cells with the umbilical cord of a newborn baby but stem cells are actually found in other locations and here at Regeneris, we focus on those other areas to better our patient’s health. The areas we focus on to gain stem cells is Adipose tissue which is loose fat that is found all over the body, mainly the abdominal area. We use two different techniques in order to collect stem cells to help the regenerative process, Platelet Rich Plasma and Stromal Vascular Fraction.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) - Platelet Rich Plasma is taking a portion of the patient’s blood and through a process of centrifuging the blood, separating the red blood cells from the platelets. Once separated, the platelets are of a higher concentration and whent they’re activated, the environment created promotes crucial healing. The process of PRP has been around since the 1990’s and through the years, clinical studies have shown that these injections are of much benefit to other areas in need of repair such as the elbow, wrist, shoulder, hip or knee. Stromal Vascular Fraction (SVF) - Stromal Vascular Fraction is a state of the art technology that entails a mini-liposuction procedure extracting the stem cells from that tissue. Once the cells are abstracted, they are then injected directly into areas of concern, typically the knee, spine or scalp. At Regeneris, our protocol yields high viable cell counts to give our patients the best possible outcome.

How the above impacts and improves patient’s

So how does Regenerative Medicine actually improve patient lives? With the amount of people dying and becoming sick each year from various disease, rejection of organs, not being able to obtain an organ or the natural wear and tear, being able to have the option to use your own body to regenerate itself is exactly how patient’s lives improve. Being able to find ways to help your body heal itself, with itself, promises for a better and healthier quality of life. There’s many diseases and illnesses out there that are only treatable by treating the symptoms (i.e. Arthritis). Being able to treat the disease itself with Regenerative Medicine offers solutions and great hope to patient’s who suffer from illness beyond repair. The National Institute for Health describes the future of Regenerative Medicine in a great way, “imagine a world where there is no donor organ shortage, where victims of spinal cord injuries can walk, and where weakened hearts are replaced. This is the long-term promise of regenerative medicine” and this is how regenerative medicine at Regeneris Medical delivers tomorrow’s healthcare, today.



How to Tell If You're Going Bald


There are many options for treating unexpected hair loss, with treatment being most effective when the condition is detected early. Knowing the difference between typical hair loss and unexpected balding is sometimes difficult. Here are the best ways to tell if you’re going bald.  

Know how much shedding is too much

Everyone loses 50-100 hairs per day in order to make room for newer, healthier hairs. If your hair is falling out in handfuls or you see a major increase in your shedding quantity, you may be starting to go bald.


Look at your scalp

If there are any patchy, bare areas of your scalp where there wasn’t before, you may be experiencing unwanted hair loss. Be sure to check out all areas of your scalp, including the back of your head.


Study your hairline

Take notice of your hairline - is it receding? Balding people (men in particular) often experience a receding hairline in the early stages of hair loss. It may be helpful to take a photo of your hairline and use it to compare two weeks or a month later to see if there’s been any change.


Take before and after photos

Before and after photos are not only helpful for evaluating a receding hairline, but also for evaluating general hair loss. Ask a spouse or friend to take photos of your hair over the course of 2-4 months and study the photos to see if there’s been a change.


Wet your hair

A quick way to tell if your hair is thinning is to wet your hair in the shower or sink and see how much of your scalp is visible; if you can see an inch of your scalp or less, your hair is full and healthy - any more than that and you may be balding.


With these simple techniques, you should be able to tell if you are experiencing unexpected or normal hair loss. Be sure to check out our post on 4 Hair Loss Treatment Options and 8 Ways to Prevent Hair Loss. Learn more at