Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP): Effective Non-Surgical Hair Loss Treatment

Non-Surgical Hair Loss TreatmentThe team at Regeneris Medical proudly serves patients from Virgina through New England, offering the latest in hair restoration treatments. While hair transplantation surgery techniques have improved significantly over the years, there are many state-of-the-art non-surgical hair replacement therapies to consider. One of these is platelet rich plasma injections, or PRP treatment. Let’s look at this option for non-surgical hair restoration right now.

About Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Platelet rich plasma (PRP) treatment is a non-surgical hair restoration option that helps improve the thickness of a person’s hair following serious issues with hair thinning.

PRP itself refers to concentrated plasma from a person’s blood that contains three to five times more platelets than blood normally circulating in the patient’s system. The PRP is injected into areas of the scalp and rubbed into the scalp in order to promote healthier hair follicles and cause hair growth.

How effective is platelet rich plasma (PRP)?

Studies of PRP effectiveness have shown it can yield a notable increase in hair growth in patients. A study published in the Journal of Cutaneous and Aesthetic Surgery showed that PRP resulted in an increase of 22.09 follicular units per square centimeter after a few treatments.

Ideal Candidates for Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Good candidates for platelet rich plasma (PRP) are men and women who have experienced natural hair thinning or hair loss. They should be in good overall health and have realistic expectations about the nature of treatment and what can be achieved. It’s important that patients understand all of the risks and benefits associated with the procedure.

What to Expect During the Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Procedure

Blood is drawn from a patient and is then spun in a centrifuge, separating the plasma from the rest of the patient’s blood. Local anesthetic may be placed on the scalp to reduce pain and discomfort during treatment. The PRP is then injected into the treatment areas of a patient’s scalp. His or her hair is washed prior to returning home. The entire process takes about 80 minutes to perform.

What to Expect After Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Treatment

Recovery from platelet rich plasma (PRP) treatment is generally simple. Soreness and swelling of the scalp may be pronounced for up to 6 hours after PRP treatment, though these symptoms generally resolve completely after 48 hours. Patients should refrain from vigorous physical activity until swelling has completely abated.

When can I expect results from platelet rich plasma (PRP) treatment?

Results can vary from patient to patient, but improvements may be noticeable in as early as two months, though it may take around five months or more for results to become more pronounced.

Speak with the Team at the New England Center for Hair Restoration

For more information about platelet rich plasma (PRP) and how it can help you achieve a fuller and healthier head of hair, be sure to contact our hair transplant and restoration experts today. The team here at Regeneris Medical will work with you to ensure that you get the hair loss treatment that is most ideal for you.