STRAAND: Regeneris Medical Joins Regenerative Hair Growth Study


Regeneris Medical has received independent internal review board (IRB) approval and unique identifier to commence patient enrollment in its clinical study of Stromal Tissue cell-enRiched treatment of Androgenic Alopecia via Novel Deployment (STRAAND). This study is designed to see the effects of stem cells from fat in stimulating hair growth.


Why Study Hair Loss?

Hair Loss can be a devastating condition to those who have it. It affects up to 70% of men and 40% of women with 95% of hair loss being most commonly due to Male Pattern Baldness and Female Pattern Hair Loss.

Though hair loss affects both sexes, finding the root reason of it is very different between men and women. MPB is easier to detect, as it is usually caused by a byproduct of testosterone metabolism called dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which minimizes hair follicles and incites balding. The cause of FPHL is more complex to diagnose, as there are more possibilities as to why female patients lose hair. Thus, female patients will undergo further diagnostic work up and analyzation.

The primary mechanism for hair loss has not yet been clearly established.” When suffering from the condition, both men and women show shrinkage of the hair follicle. Some studies have suggested that the number of current stem cells inhabiting the scalp remains persistent, “but the conversion of stem cells to the progenitor cells [cells that can identify and differentiate between different types of cells] required for follicle regrowth and cycling is reduced in balding patients.  Efforts to assist in the regeneration of the hair follicle may induce a more robust and stronger recycling of the hair follicle.”


STRAAND Study Protocol and Benefits

The protocol of the STRAAND study involves taking fat from the patient’s abdomen, emulsifying it and separating the stem and stromal cells, and then mixing it with the patient’s own plasma which has been spun down to concentrate and exploit the platelets and their growth factors. This mixture is injected into the scalp and the results monitored.

The official STRAAND study website lists multiple potential benefits participants may expect...

  • Possible access to and care from leading doctors and researchers.
  • Reduced cost for regenerative therapy study treatment.
  • The use of the existing biocellular regenerative protocol has been successfully employed for more than 10 years in plastic surgery, pain management, and orthopedic and musculoskeletal injuries; and more than 20 years within aesthetic & reconstructive procedures by cosmetic plastic surgeons. The purpose of this controlled study is to determine whether cell-enriched biocellular targeted placement is equal to, or better than, other regenerative therapies that are not cell-enriched.
  • The potential benefits of stromal vascular fraction deployment for eligible patients may include improvement in certain chronic degenerative diseases. Although some benefits often occur, some patients will experience all of them, some will experience some of them and some patients will not experience any of them. Also, the degree of benefit varies from one patient to another.
  • Contribute to research that may improve the lives of others.


The Investigators

Our very own Dr. Ryan Welter has been selected to be one of the principal investigators of the STRAAND study. The CEO and Medical Director of Regeneris Medical, Dr. Welter obtained his doctorate in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from Oklahoma State University and his M.D. from the University of Oklahoma. He completed his residency at Brown University Medical School, where he now serves as Clinical Associate Professor. In 2002, Dr. Welter founded Tristan Medical, which has grown to be one of the largest providers of primary, urgent, and occupational health care in Southeastern Massachusetts, serving over 70,000 patients a year. In 2005, Dr. Welter began a successful hair restoration practice and founded the New England Center for Hair Restoration, creating a state-of-the-art operating suite designed exclusively for accommodating hair transplant surgery.

Other principal investigators in this study include Ken L. Williams Jr., DO, FISHRS, hair restoration surgeon and founder of the Irvine Institute of Medicine and Cosmetic Surgery-Orange County Hair Restoration, and author of the international recognized textbook, Hair Transplant 360 – Follicular Unit Extraction. Eminent plastic surgeon and regenerative researcher, Robert Alexander, MD, DMD, FICS, of Bitterroot Aesthetic & Reconstructive Surgery in Stevensville, Montana is the co-investigator of this one-of-its-kind stem/stromal cell study for hair loss in men and women.


Participate to Regenerate!

If you are anyone you know is suffering from hair loss, would like to participate in the study, and reap the benefits of regenerative medicine, call us today at (855) 734-3678 to talk to one of our staff members or e-mail us at


For more info on the STRAAND study...



Regeneris Medical® and affiliates do not claim that stem cell treatments or cellular therapies are a cure for any condition or disease. Adipose-derived stem cell therapies are investigational and are not a part of  FDA-approved stem cell therapies. The information and opinions on this website are for educational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for advice from a medical professional. If you think you could benefit from stem cell therapies, we suggest patients research relevant information in addition to the information on our site. Be sure to consult a physician before deciding to participate in any investigational therapies.