Clinical Research

3 Reasons to Become a Regeneris Physician Affiliate


Regeneris Medical has enlisted some of the brightest physicians from around the world to join our network of highly trained specialists. Together, we are working to provide regenerative medicine to patients regardless of location. Our physicians are all trained in the field of Regenerative medicine, but come from a host of specialty backgrounds, adding varied clinical experience and technique to this ever changing field of medicine. We are always looking to expand our network and invite you to consider becoming a Regeneris Medical affiliate. Here are three reasons to become a Regeneris Medical physician affiliate:  

You’ll be a member of a select network chosen by the Regeneris team

The Regeneris Medical team selects only highly qualified physicians and scientists that display exemplary skills and devotion to regenerative medicine. Being a part of this team comes with a unique set of qualifications to treat a variety of conditions, as well as a high level of support from Regeneris Medical headquarters.


You’ll receive a step by step guide to starting up your own clinical research site

Getting a site activated in a study for the first time is a bit arduous, but our Clinical Research Coordinators work diligently to provide a step by step guide to new affiliates to help you setup your site. All trainings and required documents are laid out in a clear checklist, and our team will be with you every step of the way to ensure that everything is organized from the beginning. This not only ensures good data, but more importantly good patient outcomes.


You’ll be supported by our marketing team

The Regeneris Medical marketing team -- consisting of our Marketing Communications Specialist, our Administrative and Social Media Specialist, and our Creative Designer -- will provide free materials to you to help educate patients and book consultations. This includes: social media graphics, infographics, promotional items, and print materials. Our team is always working to add items to our marketing bundle to direct patients from around the country to their nearest Regeneris affiliate office.


Becoming a Regeneris Medical affiliate is about more than just offering regenerative therapies -- it’s about giving patients everywhere access to new, revolutionary medicine, as well as helping to change the landscape of medical research through our clinical trials. Joining our network will not only benefit your practice, but also your patients, as they will be exposed to new treatment options that were once unavailable to them.

Learn more about our affiliate network and join by emailing Kristin Corrado, Clinical Research Coordinator, at



Meet the Regeneris Clinical Research Team

Our clinical research department works hard to conduct successful clinical trials all year long at our offices in North Attleboro. Our patients love coming in and chatting with our Clinical Research Coordinators as they receive treatment. We hope you enjoy learning more about our team and their day-to-day responsibilities! Learn more and inquire about joining one of our clinical trials by calling (508) 316-4268.  

Alex Wang

Director of Clinical Research


How long have you been at Regeneris? 2 months

Fun fact? I originally planned to go back school after I left my previous job. However, I changed my direction at last minute and came back to the clinical research. I realized that clinical research is my true passion.

What is your day to day job duties in relation to Regeneris clinical research? I'm the Director of the Clinical Research department. I manage daily clinic operation, supervise research study compliance, monitor the patient data, organize staff training, and make business decisions together with the owner.

How did you become interested in working in clinical research? The reason is simple but powerful. A new drug treatment saved my life when I was in school. The treatment had only been approved by the FDA for 1 year when I started using it. From that point on, I changed my career path from engineering to clinical research.

Why do you think clinical research is so important? First, there would not be a new drug treatment without going through a series of clinical research trials. For existing treatments, clinical research provides important information for doctors and patients to better understand the treatment pros and cons.

What is your favorite part of working in clinical research? I enjoy that it is a well organized and regulated industry. The investigators and researchers are able to conduct research studies on the patients in a relatively healthy and safe environment.



Nicole Oliveira

Clinical Research Coordinator

How long have you been at Regeneris? Almost 3 months

Fun fact? I can play the Ukulele

What are your day to day job duties in relation to Regeneris clinical research?  The day to day responsibilities include conducting clinical trials and supporting patients through the process.

How did you become interested in working in clinical research? I became interested in clinical research when I was in college and took an Epidemiology class.

Why do you think clinical research is so important? I think clinical research is important because it allows for advances in medicine, better treatments and the potential for increased quality of care.

What is your favorite part about working in clinical research? My favorite part is meeting so many new people and seeing the benefit that the clinical trials can have on their life.


Kerry Howard

Clinical Research Coordinator

How long have you been at Regeneris? 2 years

Fun fact? I make stained glass mosaics

What are your day to day job duties in relation to Regeneris clinical research?  Conduct clinical trials for pharmaceutical studies from start up to close out.

How did you become interested in working in clinical research? I was curious about the process of testing new medications

Why do you think clinical research is so important? Without clinical medication trials we would have a lot less options for good medical treatment/medications

What is your favorite part about working in clinical research? Seeing the results of the trials and how they have improved the quality of life for the participants.



Chloe Profenna

Regulatory Specialist

How long have you been at Regeneris? 5 months

Fun fact? My husband and I are considered vintners because we make homemade wine.

What are your day to day job duties in relation to Regeneris clinical research?  I communicate with Monitors and The IRB in order to maintain constant upkeep and order of all Essential Documents for each study.

How did you become interested in working in clinical research? A lot of my friends enjoyed being involved in clinical studies, and when I heard of a Clinical Research Department that was hiring, I looked into it further. As I did, I realized that being a part of a team, working together to create an exciting environment for people of all backgrounds, was right up my alley.

Why do you think clinical research is so important? Clinical Research is important because it creates an opportunity for a variety of people to receive help. Often times, subjects involved find the answer they're looking for by participating in the studies. Therefore, Clinical Research is then able to provide something new and exciting for many more to look forward to in the future.

What is your favorite part about working in clinical research? I love seeing and hearing of subjects that are completely satisfied with not only the service they receive but of the actual product and benefits they have experienced.



What is it like to Join a Clinical Trial?


The idea of participating in a clinical trial can make people feel anxious or uneasy. Patients often come into the trial with worries about what they may be asked to do, what the side effects of new medicines are, and what effect the treatment may have on their bodies. Regeneris Medical cares about patient concerns and safety above all and want to make sure that all of our patients concerns are addressed before beginning the trial.  

Why clinical trials are important

Clinical trials are essential research tools for advancing medicine. Clinical trials provide a framework to study new developments in the healthcare field in a systematic manner.  Serving as stepping stones of a regulated pathway, these trials study the safety and efficacy of medicinal or biologic treatments, medical devices, surgical procedures and approaches to care which were created to combat disease.  Finding answers to commonly asked medical questions along with the knowledge to apply this data in a meaningful way are gained as a result of the process of conducting clinical trials.  


Process of joining a clinical trial

If you are interested in and eligible to participate in one of our clinical trials, the Clinical Research team at Regeneris Medical will invite you in for a screening visit.  At this visit and informed consent will be provided which will explain the study process of the particular clinical trial that you are a good fit for.  Whether or not you are comfortable signing the form at the visit, you will be able to take a copy the form home with you should you so choose to seek a second opinion or for your reference.  This form contains information relating to the following points:

  • A statement that the study involves research
  • An explanation of the purposes of the research
  • The expected duration of participation
  • A description of the procedures to be followed
  • Identification of any procedures which are experimental
  • A description of any reasonably foreseeable risks or discomforts
  • A description of any benefits to the subject or to others which may reasonably be expected from the research
  • A disclosure of appropriate alternative procedures or courses of treatment, if any, that might be advantageous
  • A statement describing the extent, if any, to which confidentiality of records will be maintained
  • For research involving more than minimal risk, an explanation as to whether any compensation, and an explanation as to whether any medical treatments are available, if injury occurs and, if so, what they consist of, or where further information may be obtained
  • Research, Rights or Injury: An explanation of whom to contact for answers to pertinent questions about the research and research subjects' rights, and whom to contact in the event of a research-related injury to the subject
  • A statement that participation is voluntary, refusal to participate will involve no penalty or loss of benefits to which the subject is otherwise entitled, and the subject may discontinue participation at any time without penalty or loss of benefits, to which the subject is otherwise entitled
  • A statement that the particular treatment or procedure may involve risks to the subject (or to the embryo or fetus, if the subject is or may become pregnant), which are currently unforeseeable
  • Anticipated circumstances under which the subject's participation may be terminated by the investigator without regard to the subject's consent
  • Any additional costs to the subject that may result from participation in the research
  • The consequences of a subject's decision to withdraw from the research and procedures for orderly termination of participation by the subject
  • A statement that significant new findings developed during the course of the research, which may relate to the subject's willingness to continue participation, will be provided to the subject
  • The approximate number of subjects involved in the study


Learn more about our clinical trials and how to join by calling Regeneris Medical at (855) 357-0916


How Clinical Trials Change the Face of Medicine


Clinical Research and Clinical Trials seem to come with an ‘experimental’ vibe. Although that’s the literal perception, being apart of a clinical trial is incredibly important in the advancement of modern medicine. At Regeneris Medical , we believe that this stage of discovery is the foundation for all advancements in healthcare. 3 key reasons below explain just how important your participation in clinical trials are for the continued improvement and change of medicine.    

Discover new or evaluate the existing intervention

One of the biggest recognitions for the purpose of clinical trials is the discovery of new medications. For any medication on the market, at one point, it had to undergo the ‘step’ of a clinical trial. In order for a drug to even be available for prescribers and users, the FDA has a grueling 5 step process by which any new medication must pass. Step 3 is clinical research. Before the drug is even considered to be tested with humans, it has to pass both In Vivo and In Vitro testing to determine if the drug is too toxic to be tested on people. The discovery of new medications isn’t the only breakthrough for Clinical Trials; medical devices and therapies for the pre-existing condition are also at the top of the list. For instance, Chemotherapy was morbidly discovered by two Pharmacologists who were called upon by the United States government in response to Germans using chemical warfare (mustard gas in particular) in World War I. Although quite the long story, you can see how the evolution of medicine is truly and highly dependent on clinical research.


Uncover new or evaluate the existing ways of prevention

Besides pills or therapies, major breakthroughs for prevention techniques, like vaccines, also have a dominance in the forever changing face of medicine. The first vaccine was performed by Edward Jenner in Berkeley, England in the 1770’s for Smallpox. Back in those times, Smallpox was today’s cancer. Being a brilliant man that he was, Jenner tested the “vaccine” by exposing an 8 year old boy to an opened, smallpox wound on a milkmaid’s hand. The 8 year old boy was then exposed again to an opened, smallpox wound, 6 weeks later, and was unaffected. Nowadays, clinical trials aren’t as barbaric. One of the most recent vaccines to hit the market was Gardasil, or the HPV shot. The vaccine was created on behalf of Harald zur Hausen, a German researcher who helped prove that a genital HPV infection can lead to cervical cancer. At the University of Queensland, Australia the vaccine was then developed and in 2006 the FDA approved it’s use for prevention. Of course, like mentioned above, the FDA has a multi-step process, including the use to test on human subjects, prior to a vaccine’s approval.


Bring to light new ways to improve the quality of life

Without the use of medicine, therapies or preventions, we can assume the quality of life would be pretty poor. Remember the last time you had the flu? Think of what you took to help ease the symptoms or reduce the fever. Although it’s hard to visualize a world with no medicine, it’s not all that difficult to imagine how miserable we would be. The human body can only combat so much without the help of another agent. Improving the quality of life is as simple as taking an over the counter medicine, like Ibuprofen, to rid a headache or as complicated as radiation therapy for a brain tumor. At the beginning of each lies clinical trials that harvest valuable results in order to improve your health and well-being.


Regeneris Medical’s Clinical Research Division is devoted to make strides against various conditions. We have a vast list of disorders that we are proud to be apart of in the fight against. If you are interested in our current clinical studies, contact us at 855-734-3678 to learn more and potentially be apart in the changing face of medicine.  

Checking for Tick Bites: How To Prevent Lyme Disease

Summer is right around the corner, and for those who spend more time in suburban or rural areas this blessing always comes with the curse of checking for tick bites. Blacklegged ticks––also known as deer ticks––are infamously known for their ability to spread Lyme Disease- an illness that can cause a multitude of symptoms such as joint inflammation and body aches, nausea, fever, headaches, and swollen lymph nodes. Although it takes some time and effort, there are several things the CDC recommends one do in order to prevent tick bites.


Before You Go Outside…

Before hiking in the forest or walking in the meadow, you probably head to the store to purchase mosquito repellent, but make sure that you also invest in a good tick repellent, too. Make sure these products contain...

  • Permethrin- you can use Permethrin on “boots, clothing and camping gear.” [CDC]
  • DEET (N, N-diethyl-m-toluamide)- 20% or more. DEET should be applied to skin, avoiding contact with the mouth and eyes, can “protect up to several hours.” [CDC]

If you hike with long pants on, make sure that you wear long socks to pull up over the ankle area and onto the pant leg so that ticks cannot come into contact with skin.


When You Come Inside…

It’s surprisingly easy to overlook a tick crawling on your leg or arm, as some of them can be incredibly tiny. The CDC recommends a few steps that you can take to further prevent tick bites…

  • First and foremost, carefully take a look at your clothing for any ticks. Do not wipe your legs, as they may be flicked off and into the house. If you see a tick, grab it with a pair of tweezers or a tissue and dispose of it by flushing it down the toilet. Place your clothes in the dryer and put it on high heat- this should kill any unseen ticks. If you are washing your clothes, make sure you use hot water, as cooler temperatures do not kill ticks.
  • Take a shower. The running water can help wash unattached ticks off of the body. “Showering within two hours of coming indoors has been shown to reduce your risk of getting Lyme disease.” [CDC]
  • Lastly, check your body. Always use a full-body (or hand-held) mirror to make sure you cover as much area as possible. Common places to miss seeing ticks are…
  • Inside––and the back of––the ears
  • The underarms
  • In the belly button
  • Behind the knees
  • In the hair/hairline and back of the neck
  • Inner thighs
  • The whole buttocks area


If You Find An Attached Tick…

If you happen to find an attached tick, use a pair of tweezers and carefully grasp the tick as close to the skin as possible, then pull it straight out.

Over the next week, make sure to check the area for any sort of rash. Tick bites are most known for the “bullseye” rash they can leave behind. Take your temperature every day, and note any flu-like symptoms. This could be a symptom of lyme disease.


If You Think You May Have Lyme Disease…

Call your primary care immediately. When getting tested for Lyme, make sure that if your doctor uses the Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test, that they also use the Western Blot Test as the ELISA test can provide false-positives. If you are tested within two months after being infected OR 1 year after being infected, the ELISA test may not read as positive at all. This is why it is important to also receive the Western Blot Test, which will usually confirm the diagnosis as it detects antibodies to several proteins of Borrelia burgdorferi (the bacteria transmitted from Lyme). [MayoClinic]